We were vacationing on the island of Maui in 1999. On our first morning we all headed to our favorite spot, Polo beach. As we were setting all our stuff on the beach a young boy about 7 years old came running past us. You could tell that he was maybe autistic.
All of the sudden my brother inlaw said, "hey, is that John Travolta?" I looked up to see a man walking over to get the 7 old boy who ran passed us. As the man got closer my brother inlaw asked him if he was John Travolta. Anyone who has watched Welcome Back Kotter will know what I am talking about next. In a perfect sweat hog voice he said, "yeah."
Mr Travolta stuck his hand out and introduced himself to everyone. Not an ounce of being stuck-up or smug. No attitude of "leave me alone you peeons." He was kind, polite, and down to earth. After introducing himself he went to get his son, Jet. About an hour later I was with my son in the ocean and we were checking out fish. John was a few feet away and was with his son Jet, trying to see the fish we were looking at. It was cool to meet him but the best part was that he was in no way a snob.
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