Steven Tyler pumped my gas (in a completely non-sexual way). He grew up in New Hampshire and has a summer home in Sunapee. I was driving through town and stopped for gas. I couldn't get the pumps to work because they're old and I'm dumb.
I hear someone say behind me, "Let me help you out." and grab the pump. I turn around and see Steven Tyler so being the smooth 17 year old I was, I said, "Oh my god! You're Steven Tyler, from Aerosmith!"
He smiled and said, "Yeah, and you are?" so I replied, "I'm Sarah! From (Town I lived in)!" He started laughing at me and I just stood there grinning like an idiot.
"Well, Sarah from (Town I lived in), have a nice day!" and took off. I called my mom to gush about meeting him but she went to high school with him and basically said I shouldn't talk to heroin addicts.
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