They were all filming a movie (Tuskegee Airmen) and came in to eat at the restaurant I worked at several times.
I saw MJM 3 times that I can recall and waited on him once. When I would come to the table to take orders, refill drinks, etc. he wouldn't speak to me.
He would talk to one of his assistants and then the assistant would tell me what MJM wanted. And the way he did this made it seem like speaking to a waitress was just beneath him. He expressed distaste for the menu, the food, the atmosphere, basically everything. He complained that people (customers) were ogling him even though I never saw anyone look his way.
He also did not tip - he tipped none of the times he came into our restaurant and he treated all of us poorly. The thing that makes me remember what an ass he was is that there was this little old lady that worked in the kitchen. She did prep work, her name was Betty, and she was very sweet.
Though we had been instructed to treat all the actors like any other customers, Betty was a really big fan of Malcolm Jamal Warner and really wanted his autograph. One night, she gathered up the courage to walk out to the dining area, up to his table, and politely told him she was a big fan and asked if she could have his autograph.
He told her no. Not politely either. He said if he gave her one then he'd have to give everyone in the restaurant one. It's important to note that not one single person in the restaurant had appeared to even notice that Theo Huxtable was there, him being mobbed by crazed fans was just not even a remote possibility.
Anyway, she cried and he looked smug. We didn't treat him very well after that.
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