made himself a pan flute for fun

I worked as a washroom attendant at an extremely upscale lounge in downtown Vancouver. I've met most of the cast of Stargate Universe, almost every Canuck, Seth Green, Adam Carolla and a whole bunch more. My personal favorite would have to be Colin Cunningham. The washroom is downstairs so the music is barely heard. I had just finished tidying up during an empty lull and I hear what sounds like someone playing a recorder while getting closer to the washroom. I had a puzzled look on my face when he walked, went to the urinal and put a piece of wood down his pants, not his pocket. He finishes pissing, washes his hands and I say, "Hey, you're Colin Cunningham." He says, "Yep. That's me. Major Davis, SG1. That's probably where you know me from. Major Davis, SG1." Then he pulls out the wood and tells me how he bought some thick diameter dowel from Home Depot and made himself a pan flute earlier that day for fun, tells me about his new show Falling Skies that I would like and starts playing his flute again as he walks out. By far the weirdest encounter I've ever had.
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