My father works in the film business, so growing up, it wasn't uncommon for him to bring me on set for a day. When I was eleven, he was working on the first X-men film in Toronto when he and my mother decided to take me to a cast and crew party hosted by Ian McKellan.
Upon arrival, the first thing they saw was a massive clear glass fishbowl on the entry hall table, filled to the brim with spliffs, joints, and other weed paraphernalia ( I had no idea what any of it was at the time anyway) My parents began laughing out of sheer surprise, and when Ian came to greet us and asked why they were laughing so hard, they explained that they would have thought twice about bringing their 11-year-old son to a party that so prominently featured such an ridiculous amount of marijuana.
Ian, in his most incredible flamboyant nature proclaimed, "What? Can't the boy have a bit of cannabis!?" My parents broke into a fit of laughter, and we unfortunately left soon after.
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