Met him 3 times!!

I'm a big jazz and big band fan, from Bing Crosby to Matt Dusk. So when I heard Michael Buble I fell in love with him. A few years after I heard about him, and died squealing like a 2 year old girl, I went to a concert of his. After the concert was over I went outside and tried to see if I could get his autograph. Turns out that he came out when my back was turned and he was signing autographs. I was listening to Buble on my MP3 player and he signed everyone elses stuff and I was just standing there singing along. It should be known that I had a minor singing career recently, singing at weddings and gatherings and the like. Anyway, here I am singing Come Fly With Me and Buble is standing behind me and after signing a few peoples things he taps me on the shoulder and asked if I wanted him to sign anything. I almost passed out. I was not expecting him to be so cool, and actually offer to sign things. I gave him my copy of one of his CDs and he signed it and he said that I have a great voice and I should follow up with it. I shook his hand, in near paralysis and he walked off. 2 years later. Been disowned by parents, shit's going down, and I'm flying to another province to be with other relatives. I'm in Pearson International Airport, in Toronto, Ontario, and walking through singing very quietly to myself a song by Gene Kelly, and 'lo and behold Buble is walking towards me and he says "I know you from somewhere" and I squeaked and said the concert, and he said "Oh yeah, you're the guy that was singing." I nodded and he said "What was your name?" "Volturno." "Great, well I've got to go but you take care." And he shook my hand again. Another couple of years later and he's at the Junos in St. John's, Newfoundland. A friend of mine had helped with putting up the stages and lighting for the Junos and got a ticket but he didn't want to go. He gave it to me, I went, and Buble shows up singing. I, geek out, and flock outside when he's leaving with a pen and his newest CD. He's standing there, signing shit, and I'm shaking like a fucking leaf. I mean, how many people get to meet one of their heroes 3 times? He comes up to me and signs it "Nice to see you again Volturno, your friend MB." and smiled at me. He remembered my name.

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