I saw the Rupert Goold directed production of Macbeth at the Lyceum Theater, NYC in 2008. He was FANTASTIC in it, and afterwards my friends and I waited at the stage door to get our playbill autographed. Well, not only did he autograph all of our playbills, but he took the time to chat with us for about 10 minutes! We mentioned we were all theater students, and he happily encouraged us and gave some sage advice. He mentioned what a noble profession it was and just made us all beam. What a guy!
Oh, and I met him again after the 2013 production of Waiting for Godot. It was FREEZING outside, and I asked each of them to sign my copy of Macbeth I got in England, they being my two favorite performances of the role. Sir Ian seemed to not be holding up as well in the cold, and there were a ton of people, so just sort of mumbled, but was gracious enough to sign. But Sir Patrick, yet again, was happy to chat. Super, super charming, gracious man. Love him 'til the end of time.
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