My mom got super pissed about something and threw it all out.
Johnny Depp was in Arizona for some movie that was being filmed. I can't remember the name of the movie, though- I'd have to ask my dad.
This was in the 90s.
Anyway, the house he stayed at, he had a TON of liquor and my dad had a relative who cleaned the house for him and kept the kitchen stocked. Once they were done filming the movie, he gathered up all of the liquor he didn't drink (which was actually quite a bit) and gave it to my dad's relative. She in turn gave it to my dad, who accepted it graciously of course and was thrilled that Depp didn't just throw it away or anything.
My dad kept all the liquor for several years until one day my mom got super pissed about something and threw it all out. He'll probably never forgive her for getting rid of his cherished Depp liquor collection.
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