I was visiting a buddy of mine who worked in O.C. and we went out to some bar in L.A.
While we were waiting for the bartender, Matt Dillon came right up next to us, smiled, said, "Hey, guys", then flagged down the bartender by name, and ordered two beers for himself.
OK, fine, you know the bartender by name, you're a regular, you get served first. I'm fine with that, but common courtesy would be to point out these two other dudes that haven't been helped yet.
But still not a total ass, just lacking courtesy.
Until he got his beers. He started to turn away from the bar, but somebody smacked into him and the content of both mugs ended up all over my friend.
Dillon looked at him for a second, then started laughing hysterically. "Way to wear it, champ!" he said. Then he turned back to the bar, dumped the mugs and said "Gonna need two more, Skip... and charge 'em to this guy's tab, since he had my last two."
The bartender filled two more mugs and then gave my friend a towel and told him the next one was on the house.
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