Not really THAT exciting, but it wasn't expected, that's for sure.
A friend (a die hard fan) and I had tickets to a Jason Mraz show over the summer. We made a weekend out of it, got a hotel room, etc.
After the concert that night, we ended up wandering around the local casino at about 2 am.
As we'e mainly entertaining ourselves by all the old people wearing wolf-embossed sweatshirts and smoking incessantly, we passed a group of 20 somethings that seemed to be headed out. I didn't think much of it until my friend excitedly tells me that Jason Mraz was standing with them.
After gaining as much composure as possible, we turn around to go talk to him. We then realize that he's walking through the main lobby of the casino. Realizing this, break all composure and book it out to say hi. (I mean straight up sprint. I'm sure it looked ridiculous.)
He sees us coming, stops, smiles, and introduces himself. We chat for a few minutes and take pictures. It was refreshing to see that he is a really nice guy and seemed genuinely interested in talking to his fans.
He looks strangely like Jesus, though. That was really the only really surprising thing about the whole ordeal.
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