My parents lived in NYC for ten years, so they has a couple of these. The best one happened to my dad, and definitely seems unbelievable, but I don't doubt him.
When my older sister was a baby, my dad was waiting on a street corner, on his way to a doctor appointment, in front of a grocery store. My dad has my sister in a carrier on his front, and wrapped his coat around my sister to protect her from the light rain and cold. Suddenly, my dad spots Gene fucking Wilder.
Gene Wilder notices my dad, sees him obviously talking to a baby in his coat, and proceeds to walk over and stick his face into the neck-hole of my dad's coat. No shit. He coos at my sister for a little while, then leaves without saying a word. Both my dad and my sister were totally cool with this situation. Ever since then, whenever my dad showed us a Gene Wilder movie, he referred to him as my sister's boyfriend, since Gene Wilder seemed to fall a little bit in love with my big sis that day.
It's one of those stories I'm so used to hearing that I forget how batshit it is until I try to tell it...
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