Bobby Brown and his entourage use to stay at the hotel I worked for in 1991.
They never ate in the restaurant but he would always send his assistant to get food and beverages.
His assistant was a very large muscle head that was surprisingly overly nice. He was always worried about being the last annoying customer even though it was usually around 8:30 -8:45 and we closed at 10.
The one and only night I did room service, I was doing a delivery to the floor I knew Bobby and his guys were on.
Knock on the door and Bobby opened the door.
He invited me in and made pleasent small talk as he inspected his food. Wrote out a nice tip, signed the bill and sent me on my way.
He was, by far, the nicest celebrity I've ever met.
Was telling this story to a bar customer a couple of years ago and one of my flight attendant customers overheard my story, told me she use to get Bobby and Whitney on her flight about once a week.
Said Bobby was alway super nice and said Whitney was very "diva". Said whenever Whitney spoke to her, Bobby would give her the "apology eyeroll".
I have felt very sorry for Bobby brown over the years. He is definitely a nice guy
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