Back in 2004ish, I was on a flight from Newark to ATL. It was a late flight (like 10 pm) and I had an aisle seat about 15 rows from first class. After most of the passengers were seated, I hear a loud voice from the front of the plane announce, "Why yes, IT IS ME, I AM BOBBY BROWN." I peek my head out into the aisle, and yes, there is Bobby Brown, smiling like a crazy person with Whitney already sitting down.
Keep in mind that this is around the time on their crazy reality show and errrrrbody was so worried for Whitney. When we land, I end up in the same car as Whitney and Bobby on the tram to baggage claim. They had a little girl with them, who I assumed was their daughter and looked about 12. Whitney seemed quite high (in the bad upper way) and was super hyper. She screamed at the poor girl over and over again and made everyone quite uncomfortable. Bobby was trying to make conversation with the rest of the passengers, but everyone was too shocked, tired, and upset to really respond.
Oh, and when we got to baggage claim, Bobby Brown hopped on the baggage carousel and jogged a lap on top of it.
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