Kirstie Alley

Kirstie Alley

12th Jan 1951 (74 years old)

Peppermint Stick ice cream

As a child, all I had been thinking about from springing out of bed ridiculously early until our noon walk to the ice cream shop, was Peppermint Stick ice cream. It was Pepto-Bismal pink with concrete-like squares of flavorless gum and was, unsurprisingly, often not in stock. We arrived and Bill's and - LOOK MUM! NO, MUM, COME OOON, YOU'RE NOT LOOKING - they had Peppermint Stick written on the flavors chalkboard that decided our fate daily. While I was enacting a slight seizure in a desperate bid for my mother's attention, a lady with scary eyebrows plopped down on the stool next to us and ordered a peppermint, please, on a sugarcone. The scooper remarked that she'll have to scrape it from the bottom. Mid-flail, I pause in horror and proceed to bawl my eyes out until Kirstie Alley turns and tells me I can have hers and she likes chocolate better anyway.
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