Colin Farrell

Colin Farrell

31st May 1976 (48 years old)

Photo of Colin

Not me but a friend of mine.... He was out with his girlfriend for lunch at a very fancy hotel in Dublin, Ireland and Colin Farrell happened to be there too. This was back at the height of his fame. So my mate sauntered over to him and said something like 'Hey Colin, any chance of a photo?'. Colin Farrell being the cool dude he was then was like 'yeh, course man, no bother' and started fixing his hair etc. At that point, my mate hands HIM the camera and poses with his girlfriend. In fairness to Colin Farrell, he didn't know what to do at first but he did actually take the photo and they still have it to this day. The photo that Colin Farrell took of him and his now wife. I love that story.

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