It was the Warped Tour and Hillary Duff was on it. The night BEFORE the concert she and her posse (yes she had a posse) decided to stop into our restaurant. When I saw her outside, I immediately asked to be the person to take her order, even though I was a cook. The cashiers obliged.
So she walked in and I gave our usual greeting. She walked up, I explained the menu all courteous-like, and her group ordered. After everything was done, I asked, "And what name will be on the order?"
She just looked at me like I was fucking crazy. "Uhh, Hillary..."
"Is that two L's or just one?" "Only one..."
As I took her money and stuff, she asked, "Do you really not know who I am?"
"No, should I?" was my only reply.
She mentioned she was Hillary Duff and was on TV and actually playing at the concert the next night..
"Huh, that's strange." I said. Then I yelled to my friends in the back, "HEY GUYS! You ever heard of anybody named Hillary Duff?"
"Nope." "Naw." "Who?!"
It was classic. Not really a confrontation, but still fun in my mind.
Just know, she wasn't bitchy about it, at all. She shrugged it off, I made her food and she left without every getting uppity about it. She didn't care about it at all, which I thought was pretty stand-up of her.
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