Cosby came to Harrah's Casino for a show in the early 2000's.
He was blatantly rude to all of the white staff. We had a few black staff working at the casino and he was more than friendly with them.
All employees were professional and pleasant towards him, however, if you're a non-black he either ignored you, made snappy demands (like refill his drink because it wasn't cold enough or he didn't like how the food was positioned on his plate).
Also, when asked if he wanted anything else he'd reply a firm "No," then wait till you were busy with another patron and then ask for more coffee.
After fetching his drink you'd ask, "Anything else I can bring you?"
Same thing.
He said no, then would ask for A1 sauce and once you brought it to him, he'd make you run and fetch another item, ONE thing at a time.
Then tip only 7% he's a racist p.o.s.
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