Randomly met Conan at the top of the Cliffs of Moher.
I traveled to Ireland in March of 99 for a weekend whilst studying in London...went to Galway and my two buddies and I took a little bus tour through the countryside, ending up at the Cliffs of Moher.
While we grab a sandwich in the shop at the bottom of the outdoor stairs going up, some others from the tour went right up to the O'Brien Tower at the top. They come down a few minutes later ans say that Conan O'Brien was up there taping something
So we scarfed down our food and went up...craziest wind I've ever experienced while walking up the stairs to the top! Finally get to the top and sure enough, he has a crew up there taping something. So we hang around till he's done and then talk to him for a minute and get a picture. REALLY nice guy...said he was taping a St. Pattys Day segment where he has to go to Ireland and find his relatives. In part of the segment, he's up at that tower and you can see where we met him.
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