I was in a book store in San Francisco a few years ago when a bachelorette party came wandering in and approached this guy standing next to me. "Excuse me, we're on a scavenger hunt and we need to take a picture of the bride with a James Bond lookalike, would you mind?"
The guy turns around and says in a slight Irish accent, "Not at all." It's Pierce Brosnan. The bride poses for a quick picture, thanks him, and then they all run off to whatever was next on the list.
Brosnan and I are the only two people in the aisle and we're both sort of standing there with a puzzled look wondering what in the hell the odds of that happening were. I say, "I don't think they had any idea, do you?" Brosnan thinks for a second and then says, "Yeah, they didn't have a clue." and then goes back to browsing.
Not really unfortunate for me, but I really wanted to see their reaction when they came back with the picture and someone informed them who it actually was.
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