I used to live in New York and when I was very young (5 I think) my best friend and I would be babysat together by either my mother, her mother, or a babysitter depending on their schedules.
My friend's mother ran a very fancy beauty parlor in uptown Manhattan and occasionally did make up for movies. She was working on a movie for Eddie Murphy and looking at her given schedule she saw a few times she was able to babysit us. One day Eddie Murphy decided to show up 4 hours late with no prior notice so my friend's mother was late getting to us and because it's so hard to find a decent babysitter in New York the one we had ditched us at the time they were supposed to.
We were left alone as young kids for 3 hours. That part of the story was relayed to me when I was older so I can't necessarily verify it but I have a very strong memory of the next part.
We had to be taken to the set since no other babysitters could be found. My friend and I were just playing around, being kids and not really bothering anyone, and Eddie Murphy screamed at us until we cried.
Then as we were leaving later that day I saw him screaming at kids who wanted his autograph.
He's a huge dick and to this day I refuse to endorse him.
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