Glenn Close

Glenn Close

19th Mar 1947 (77 years old)

She throws a ripper of a Halloween party!

Glenn Close is a great lady. Her niece was a very good childhood friend of a girl I dated for a few years in college. She throws a ripper of a Halloween party. Being 19-20 at the time, in a paramilitary academy, and spending my weekends playing rugby and chasing beers in Boston I got an erection pretty much immediately upon recieving the verbal invitaiton. I had no clue what to expect, but we showed up Friday for the Saturday party and she greeted everyone warmly, was very talkative and seemed like she really was happy to have us. She treated us to a great dinner and we spent the rest of the night occupying ourselves on the "estate". Squash courts, pretty much a full band practice setup, game room, etc. We get back from wandering around Saturday afternoon to see a band unloading and a large white van with a man removing cases of Liqour out of the back. She already has a bar in her house, this officer/gentleman erected 2 more. 9 piece band in her living room. I could barely contain my excitement as I donned my plaid pants, bright green blazer, wig, and "Show me your b00bs" trucker hat. After several Sierra Nevadas I switched over to Crown&Gingers and cut up Cruella's rug to the awesome band and horn line. Glenn and Dave even jumped up to play a few tunes. Fast forward to 230am and things are starting to die down. We're on the deck and the hot tub looks mighty inviting. Small discsussion; cover removed. I track down a bottle of red wine to join me since my GF is ? somewhere. Obviously I have no bathing suit, and neither does anyone around me. But! In my drunkenness, I have forgotten the proximity to the ocean! How silly of me. Proclamation: You are a pussy if you don't jump into the ocean before we get cozy in the hot tub. The cold water will make it feel better, or something. The ocean idea is a big hit, so we all begin sprinting to the beach. By the time I get there, I'm wearing only boxers. This seems normal. I frontflip into the ocean, my balls shrivel and die, I shriek with horror and sprint/stumble back to the deck with the rest of the group. Bottle of wine popped, hot tub session ensues. At some point my GF came out and after a dip, brought us both towels. The rest of the night is a moderate blur - that wine was good - but I have memories of a game they call "Wallyball" which is volleyball with a huge plastic ball on a squash court, and also having sex on a bathroom floor. I woke up next to my girlfriend on a twin mattress that was halfway shoved into a walkin closet in the bedroom we took over. I wearing sweatpants only, half covered in sand and still damp. My head hurt terribly. At some point I had cracked my skull on the wall of the squash court. I had no idea where any of my clothes were. We proceeded downstairs to an awake household cooking a hearty breakfast. After a Mimosa and a couple pancakes, Glenn emerged from the kitchen, looked at me, laughed, and pointed outside. Through the glass sliding door, I saw my bright green blazer stuck in a bush. Across the rest of the lawn in various places were the remaining articled of my costume; the Maine October wind had strewn them about the lawn. I mumbled an apology and Glenn said I had made quite the first impression with another laugh. Got the invite next year!
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