Snoop stole my video games. Well, his entourage did.
I was a production runner for the Exotic Erotic Ball in San Francisco about 5 years ago. Snoop was performing. His backstge rider requested an Xbox with a few specific sports games and some new games as well. I think Halo 2 had just come out.
As production runner, I had to rent these games on my own Blockbuster card. I got 5 games or whatever the max rental was. His "stage manager" (a stupid bossy 22-year-old wigger who did nothing and never went near the stage) and buddies showed up hours before the show demanding Taco Bell and went backstage and proceeded to smoke tons of weed and play the video games and complain that I took too long to get their Taco Bell.
Snoop showed up to the venue right before show time and never even went backstage to use all the crap we set up for him that was on his rider. After the show we go back to clean up these stupid white kids' mess and all of the games are gone. Production manager calls Snoop's tour manager (different than stage manager, an actual responsible human being) and dude says he'll bring them back in the morning. He drops by production in the morning, as promised, and hands me a stack of video games THAT THE STUPID WIGGER STOLE FROM THE SHOW IN THE PREVIOUS CITY! I was able to take two of them back to Blockbuster but I was charged like $250 for the other three that I couldn't replace for which production promptly reimbursed me. tl:dr - Snoop has idiot white stoner kids in his entourage that steal video games from every show producer.
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