Sometimes the world seems so unbelievably small.

I lived in Los Angeles when I was in the Air Force. I had to travel to Colorado Springs quite often--typically once every two weeks. One day, I'm in the security line and I see Naveen Andrews (Sayid from Lost) in the security line. He's about three people in front of me. He turns around and makes eye contact; just a mutual nod between us. He's shorter than I would have thought. I had to go back the next week for another meeting. I'm in the same line and Daniel Dae Kim is standing right behind me. We talked for a few minutes and I told him about seeing Naveen Andrews the week before. Then I told him that the episode of ST: Voyager he was in was one of my favorite episodes of the series. He seemed more pleased by that than that I knew him from Lost. Geniunely nice guy.
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