My friend was the waiter for Selena at a resteraunt. However, my friend is stupid.... When he brought her food, he goes:
"I'm sorry, but you look like that girl who is always with Justin Bieber."
She laughed and replied:
He says: "What's her name?"
She: "Selena Gomez?"
He: "Yes, she was on some witches show. The Sabrina the Teenage Witch, rip off".
She: "Yep."
I guess, the resteraunt was pretty empty and the only other person in the section was the bar tender that wasn't paying any attention, either.
She never corrected him.
Later, she is heading out the door when two people come in and kind of freak out a little upon seeing her. My friend seats them and they go "OMG, I can't beleive that was Selena Gomez."
My friend was like...."WHAT".
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