Tom Hanks

Tom Hanks

9th Jul 1956 (68 years old)

Spoke to my grandad

Right before saving private ryan came out Tom Hanks apparently called a bunch of WWII veterans to thank them and talk about their time in service. He ended up talking to my grandpa for a good hour about all sorts of random things and I heard he was an overall great guy.

Other stories for Tom Hanks

I felt like I was going to piss all over myself from the excitement.

I met Tom Hanks walking two big ass black labs (maybe? not a dog...

I was a nanny for a Hollywood family

Tom Hanks doesn't just seem like the nicest guy. I was a nanny for...

Happy to chat with people

Seconded: Tom Hanks came to see his son in a play at a venue...

Filming From The Earth To The Moon

I used to live on Edwards AFB in the Mojave Desert of California. During...

My friends wedding

Was at a friends wedding at the Wynn in Las Vegas and were taking...

Came to the theater I work at to watch a movie

He was in Memphis filming Castaway and came to the theater I was working...

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