The greatest I've met

Went to a show with a bunch of friends while in high school, travelled 2 hours to be there. One of my friends didn't have a ticket, was trying to get one at the door. Didn't work out, so because I'd seen awk live before, I gave him my ticket, and resigned to sitting outside the venue for the entire concert. One of his guitarists saw me out there a few times and asked me what was up. I told him the story, and he was blown away, said the guest list was way more than full already, but he'd talk to Andrew to see what he could do about getting me in. An hour later, Andrew gets off the bus, comes out and asks me if I was the kid that gave his friend his ticket. I say yes. He goes on a 5 minute rant about how his music is all about friends and fun, and how what I'd done was the embodiment of the message he was trying to get out. So he says he'll get me in backstage when they are about to go on. So 10 minutes later he comes out, puts his arm around my shoulder, walks me in backstage past the door guy. Directs me to the entrance of the stage, tells me to run out there and find my friends. So I walk on stage, see all my friends, who can't believe I'm walking out on stage. Tell them what happened. Everyone then agreed he was the greatest guy ever, and we raged massively for his set. He mentioned the story on stage, and then talked to me for a while after the show. He's a genuinely really cool guy, and lives the message of his music.
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