It was 2006, me, my brother and cousins were walking in Time Square.
We reached the Apple store in 5th Av and saw a Rolls Royce parked with a chauffeur hanging out. We looked at the rims and it said diddy.
I said to my brother that it can't be him (like it can be anybody right?) but we decided to hang out for just a little bit. Sure enough, out comes a guy with a Sean Jean sweatshirt with an ice cream print. He got close enough to recognize and all the passerbys didn't know who just walked out the building (place was crowded)!
No paparazzis or anything.
We were excited and I said, Puffy!
He smiled back and said what's up. Now my brother and cousins were freaking out and we asked if it was OK to take a photo with him.
The man didn't think twice and immediately joined us. It was our first time in 5th ave and Puffy was the highlight of our trip. Such a great guy!
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