My grandfather always tells me the odd story here and there about the late-fourties when he and Robert Goulet would hang out. Now this is before Goulet made the big time, and was just working for a local radio station. Anyway, standard story stuff (be teenagers, drink hard, shoot pool, etc.) but the one that always stuck with me was when my grandfather told me about the night both him and Robert had a bit too much to drink and proceeded to fight. 60-someodd years later and he forgets the reasons why they fought ("probably bickering like girls", he says) but apparently my grandfather beat the piss out of Goulet; knocked him right out on the street.
They would still occasionally hang out after the ass-beating, but after Goulet graduated high school and got the hell out of here, that was really the end of that. I remember the day I heard that Goulet passed away. My gramps was pretty remorseful, said he was a good guy when he knew him, and the best part about knowing him was telling people the "I laid out Robert Goule" story.
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