I worked on the video shoot for "gold digger". It was breakfast time on the second day. We were shooting on the top floor of the Raleigh hotel in South Beach Miami, Florida.
All of our lighting gear we had used a pulley to get it up the side of the building and it had rained the night before. So, as everyone is on the veranda eating, we were walking by with lights and carts trying to set-up for the next scene while dodging puddles. Kanye shows up on set (aka comes into the living room from the bedroom) and jumps right into breakfast. Then, he turns around, goes, "Man, these guys are gonna kill themselves."
He grabs one of the server ladies and asks her to bring him a bunch of towels. He grabs a bag of scrims from me, follows me inside with it just in time to catch the lady with all of the towels from the bathroom and he goes out there and gets one of his buddies to help him personally mop up all the water on the deck with bath towels.
Don't get me wrong, it was his personal production company that was running the show, and I never got paid for it, but still...he didn't have to do that...
Now that I think about it...he was probably just really afraid of being sued because he didn't have insurance...
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