I'm a big award season buff, I watch ALL the Golden Globe/Oscar movies. I just happened to watch "Winter's Bone" when about a week later I was in a shoe store with my friend and sure enough Jennifer Lawrence was there.
I usually don't talk to celebrities (because most of the time I think I'm wrong) but I was confident it was her. I walked up to her and said; "I'm so sorry to bother you, but I just watched "Winter's Bone" and you were amazing."
She kindly thanked me.
The Oscar nominations hadn't come out yet, and I said "I really think you'll get an Oscar nomination too."
She smiled and then I said "Just wanted to tell you that, see ya". She laughed and then I walked away. I later saw her in the store again she kindly nodded to me.
Three weeks later she was nominated for an Oscar.....
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