Vince Vaughn with Australian Soldiers

In 2005 I was serving with the Australian Army overseas. We were in Camp Virginia, Kuwait, prior to deploying into Iraq when we got word that Vince Vaughn was going to make an appearance. Several members of my section (squad) decided to go meet him and while waiting in line they could see him from a distance and he didn't really appear too pleased to be there. He was shaking hands with American soldiers and posing for photographs but wasn't really letting out much of a smile. However, when he saw my mates approach his face lit up, he got off his seat and walked over to have a conversation. He was smiling the whole time and was stoked to be speaking to Aussies and there are photo's of him chatting away with the boys for a good 5 minutes. Before leaving however he did a group photo with the Aussie soldiers while holding up the Australian flag and shook all their hands. All in all, an absolute champion.

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