I met Frank Turner last year at Reading Festival. I had lost my voice from the long weekend, so I couldn't really speak and just passed him my book for him to sign.
I tried thanking him but it didn't come out right from my sore throat, as I went to walk off he stopped me, asked me what was wrong, patiently waited while I spoke and then when I finally got my words out clearly he hoped I got better.
I said thanks, shook his hand, went to walk off and he went "where do you think you're going?" grabbed me from over the table and told one of the NME people to take a picture. He was such a nice man, but he only saw half the fans because he was getting into conversation with each one! Haha!
Met some other people that year as well, but they were either dicks or had a fake 'we care about the fans' appearance which everyone could see straight through.
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