Brad Pitt

Brad Pitt

18th Dec 1963 (61 years old)

Window Cleaner Meets Brad

I was cleaning windows on a hotel he was staying in while filming "The Devil's Own" in Dublin, Ireland. I was outside his penthouse windows he invited me in for a coffee saying "It's damn cold out there man come in for a break." I didn't know who he was at the time. I think there were a couple of other guys with him.. we talked about music and he asked for names of good local bars, I left through the main door we said good bye. But as I left the house maid (a teenager) passed me on the way in, I heard her scream and ran back thinking she was getting some trouble from these guys she was gibbering "It's Brad, it's Brad!" I said "Brad who?" which started Brad himself laughing! Really nice guy and very starstruck young girl... good memories!
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