Witty, perceptive and kind hearted

I was literally sat on a bench in a park in London when she sat next to me. I didn't have a clue it was her, she was wrapped up, had shades on, hat, dressed pretty casually. I was in my own little world writing about Diana Dors, as she filmed one of her films partly in the park I was in and I was just soaking up the atmosphere really. I dropped my pen so Kylie picked it up for me and as she handed it back I was shyly smiling saying thanks etc when she asked if I minded saying what I was writing about. I told her, and she told me she was a fan of Dors and we talked about Dors for a while and other old films, she was waxing lyrical about Jane Fonda for instance. I didn't even realise it was her until about 5 minutes into the conversation I finally figured her voice out and linked it to her microscopic constitution. She was absolutely charming, genuinely interested in what I was saying and my life. She was a very interesting person, made many intelligent comments and clearly had a beautiful brain. I asked if there was any chance I could get a quote or two for the book I was writing and she said yes, gave me a number and then she left. She was doing a concert that night, Abba tribute if I remember correctly, and she said she has to get away from the hullabaloo for a couple of hours each day. The concert was only a a few minutes away, and there she was. Amazing really. I thought the number would be her PA or something but I ended up staying in contact with her for quite a while after, just playful texts and stuff but then it all stopped one time. She must have changed her number. Can't say I wasn't annoyed, she was a fabulous person. An intelligent, witty, perceptive and kind hearted lady that constantly has to put on a little pretence due to her line of work and she was just fascinating to me, and still is. Before I met her, I thought she was just a typical pop-star "me me" bimbo obsessed with looks etc, but it turned out to be quite different.
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