Years ago when star trek the next generation was on TV, i once had the dubious pleasure of meeting chief o'brien aka colm meaney in a hotel foyer... i was only about 12 at the time and was just staring at him, dumb struck at seeing someone from one of my favorite shows in the flesh.
seeing this he all of a sudden gave me a look of disgust and snapped 'yes, yes i'm an actor for f**ks sake' in this ridiculously over-exaggerated lawrence olivier type voice.
i was completely stunned at this reaction and probably looked as though i was about to burst into tears when this woman who had overheard the entire thing piped up saying 'standing in the background on star trek occasionally hitting a button does not make you an actor you obnoxious arse'
he looked like he'd been slapped in the face with a rotten fish
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