Zakk Wylde is a kick ass dude.
My 13 year old cousin has been playing guitar...
Zakk Wylde is a kick ass dude.
My 13 year old cousin has been playing guitar for probably about 5 years now, and last year when Ozzy came to town, Zakk was doing a demo at the long guitar shop, like in every other city they played. I'm guessing they had a deal with Epiphone, because every stop, they'd give one away to one lucky kid in the crowd. On this day, my cousin was that one lucky kid. so he's standing there beside zakk wylde looking at a wall of guitars, and he can pick any one and he points at a Zakk Wylde signature model (the cream and black bullseye, the Gibson one.
So Zakk goes over and grabs it off the wall and passes it to him, and then some guy (guessing one of his staff) informs Zakk that my cousin can't have that one, adn the conversation goes like this.
guy - "He can't have that guitar, it isn't covered"
Zakk - "Let the kid have the fuckin guitar"
guy - "No, we can't"
Zakk - "Fine, I'll pay for it myself"
Zakk wylde then walks over to the counter and pays for the guitar himself, out of his own pocket.
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