Met Bruce Campbell at a signing of his book and he.... ah, who am I kidding. He cracked jokes with me,...
I met him twice at book signings. No stories, but seriously he is the nicest and coolest dude. Just like...
I once went to a horror film convention and stayed at a really nice hotel because my friend worked there...
Bruce Campbell. I waited on him three times at a restaurant in Ashland, Oregon. The first time I was nervous...
My dad was trying to meet up with Bruce Campbell in downtown Madison when he was in College. He was...
Myself and two of my friends were going to attend a book signing/talk he did here in Buffalo a little...
A relative of mine was falling asleep at a special showing of AoD. She was woken when the man behind...
Very nice guy. We had been waiting 3 hours to see him in line and he just pops in the...
I was on Bourbon Street in New Orleans with my brother and some friends, and my little brother points out...
I met him on the set of Spider-Man; he was a really nice guy. My friends and I were extras...