Bruce Campbell. I waited on him three times at a restaurant in Ashland, Oregon. The first time I was nervous as shit so I was very awkward with him. The second time, my coworker and I started drinking Irish coffees on the job and I began talking to him immediately.
Convo as follows:
(me taking order, take wife's order first, turn to Bruce): And for you, Bruce?
(this visibly surprise him, stutters his order, his wife chimes in): Now how did you know he was Bruce?
me: I'm kind of a big fan.
(Bruce takes off his glasses, puts out his hand): What's your name, son? I'm Bruce and this is Ida . . . sweet as apple cida
me: alrida
We continued talking about film school and such. The 3rd time I waited on him he remembered my name and it was awesome.
Hail the king!
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