My dad was trying to meet up with Bruce Campbell in downtown Madison when he was in College. He was waiting by the door to the place where Bruce was doing some kind of exclusive signing deal, in direct sight of Bruce, and he couldn't get in because of the crowd/security. My old man, being a little immature made a bit of a ruckus, and was about to be escorted away. Bruce saw it and motioned that it was okay for him to come in. Once he got to the table to get his autograph he looked at Bruce and said (slightly paraphrased)
Dad: "Wow, Mr. Campbell thanks for letting me in, I love Evil Dead and thought you could sign my poster"
Bruce: "Haha kid, you know we're not signing posters... ah what he heck, alright give it here"
Dad: "You know, Sam Raimi must have some kind of thing for you, you're in all his movies"
Bruce: "Haha, I know, it worries me a little bit. And Here you go. Oh and kid, next time don't make such a seen"
My dad got the poster framed and mounted, with Bruce's signature. Bruce is a cool freaking guy!
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