An absolute gentleman and a super nice guy while we were interrupting his date.
I once was at the Santa Cruz beach boardwalk with two friends. It was summer, lots of eye candy to look at. So, one of my friends says, "That guy looks like Quentin Tarantino".
I'm not really the sort to notice that sort of thing, but Tarantino has a pretty distinctive face. Sure as hell, there's a guy walking along the boardwalk, playing every cheesy redemption game with a cute girl in tow. (We realized only afterwards that it was probably Mira Sorvino, and all three of us hilariously only had "eyes" for Tarantino, and not the oscar-winning hottie he was with, which may account of some of what happened...)
Anyhow, I decided I wanted to know for sure. So I walk up, and go, "Hi, excuse me... but... you are quentin tarantino, right?"
And he goes, "Yes I am" with a little bit of body motion. And I go, "Awesome, I'm a huge fan of your work," and I extend my hand. He shook hands. Meanwhile, my friends are behind me, just sort of jaws open, and I sort of look back at them. They snap out of their reverie and come over, and he shakes their hands, too. Then he walks off, we wave to each other, and he looks back and gives us this big smile and this super-cheesy thumbs up.
Anyhow, I definitely appreciated that Tarantino was an absolute gentleman and a super nice guy while we were interrupting his date.
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