Shook his hand

I met Tarantino in austin once when he was with Richard Linklater at a micro brew near 4th. Shook the guys hand and told him I used kbilly from Resovior Dogs as my name on the internet. Guy was stoked and it totally made my night!

Other stories for Quentin Tarantino

So disappointing

Quentin Tarantino is a huge asshole in real life. Met him while doing "Snakes On...

Really cool guy

When I was a kid, my dad took my sister and I to the...

An absolute gentleman and a super nice guy while we were interrupting his date.

I once was at the Santa Cruz beach boardwalk with two friends. It was...

Shouldn't have laughed at him!

My aunt grew up in manhattan beach California. There was a creepy weird dude...

Latest stories

Inebriated and obnoxious

Some friends of my sister's came across Tila here in Las Vegas as she...

We held him hostage

Growing up in NYC I have had many run ins with celebrities and I...

A real fan

About 7 years ago in New York, I met Dan Aykroyd when he saw...
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Ron Jeremy

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Matt Dillon

Russell Brand

Russell Brand

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