We sold furniture to David Bowie (when I was 3, after he'd come back frequently for various items, some were large.)
One day, he had to come kinda late cause he was held up for some reason or another. He arrived probably 7:30, and apologised, and brought us Chinese food from the store next door, and chilled with us and sung a song to me before I went to bed. I was around 3 at this time.
And yeah I did live in an antique store, it was cool, we lived like above it, and on the balcony, during the Grand Prix (motorsports) the jets flew right over my house, pretty damn low, it was fucking nuts. We sold a lot of furniture to celebs, I'd have to brush up on the details with my mother but it was a fun time. Im pretty sure we sold a clock to Anthony kiedis, rhcp guy. Either sold it to him or refurbished it, I'm not sure. It was the best of times, it was the blerst of times.
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