So I met Zac Efron in December 2008 at a Macy's in LA. He was shopping for bedsheets with Vanessa Hudgens, who he was dating at the time, and I felt so incredibly lucky to run into BOTH of them!
Vanessa was a bitch. I wrote a review just about her on this website regarding this same story, so you can go check that out if you'd like. But Zac, on the other hand, was a complete sweetie. He was super kind and considerate and actually cared about taking the picture and spelling my name right and hearing what I had to say. PLUS, he's insanely good looking- the silver screen does not do him justice!
What makes him even more amazing in my books is that, after taking a picture and autograph with him, I actually interrupted his shopping once more after realizing that the photo that my brother had taken of us was extremely blurry. I still can't believe how nice he was about it- he took the picture with me again and didn't mind my hovering at all. Not to say that he probably wanted some peace to just shop, but he was very nice about the fan encounter, and I really appreciated that!
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