I grew up in a town called Shabbona, Illionois and Zac Efron was there filming for his movie "the heartland" or whatever.
They were filming in the church that my family regularly attended and one day during the end of filming me and my cousin Sabrina approached him and she asked him for an autograph and he said "certainly, let's just sit down right here" and we plopped down on the curb.
He signed her shirt, hat, and some picture she got from a magazine and then he really surprised me by literally sitting down for 45 minutes having a conversation with me and my 12 year old cousin.
He hardly talked about himself, just asked us a bunch of questions about the town and how we lived and such. He really was a good guy. After that he hugged my cousin, shook my hand, and went back on set.
It was a pretty awesome encounter
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