My sister used to go to an artsy private school in quite a nice little village south of London, during breaks and free periods students were allowed to leave the school and go down to the village if they wanted.
One day she was queuing as usual to pay for some snacks in the local off-licence when she accidentally stepped on the toes of the man behind her in line, after which she apologised and thought nothing of it.
But then the man struck up a conversation... which was nothing particularly strange at first, but became strange as he continued the conversation even as they left the store and started off back up the road.
At this point my sister started to worry "why is this creepy old guy still talking to me" and began feeling quite uncomfortable. Especially when he asked if she went to the school up the hill. She slightly nervously answered "...yes", to which he replied "well you must be quite an artist if you go to x school, do you study music by any chance?".
She thought that was a bit of an odd thing to say but trying to be friendly said "no, I don't, I do like music though. Are you into music?". He then smiled and said "oh well, I suppose you could say so. Well, nice to chat but I've got to be off home and I'm sure you need to get back to class. Goodbye" and with that he walked off... smiling quite a rather unusually large smile. My sister shrugged and continued back.
When she returned she mentioned the encounter to her friends, who for some reason found it terribly funny, when she asked why they brought up an image on an iPhone and asked if it was the man she had talked to. Surprised she said "woah shit! Yes, that's him! Who is he???". They burst out laughing and replied, "you just asked Epic Clapton if he was into music!"
Apparently he lived down the road from the school often liked chatting to any students he bumped into.
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