I met Eric Clapton in the recording studio.
Our producer and engineer is Magic Moreno, who is also pretty famous. He told me he was having someone pretty special in the studio, and to come by if I wanted.
I came the next day, and it was Eric Clapton. I'm not usually necessarily star struck a lot, as I drove a honeywagon, (dressing room truck), for the studios for years, and am studio musician, so I've met a lot of people, but Eric Clapton?? I was really excited!
Magic introduced us, and he was such a nice guy!
Humble, cool, we talked music, cars, anything you can imagine, as we had 12 hours in the studio. I kept my mouth shut as much as possible, as I didn't want to be a fan boy, but he was just so easy to talk to!
Super cool guy, great family man, just an amazing experience!
Clapton has been one of my idols for years!
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