I was living in Hollywood at the time and used to frequent the Rainbow Bar and Grill. One night I was at the outside bar and watched as Steve-O was all but dry-humping Lemmy from Motorhead's leg. Totally geeked out. Seeing that I had the thought, "wow, that's cool. This guys a household name and he still gets star-struck".
That thought lasted for about three seconds. At that point a younger bar patron, who obviously looked up to Steve-O walked up and anxiously waited for a chance to greet his hero. I watched as the kid worked up he courage to approach, him and- with a nervous waver in his voice- he started to introduce himself. He got as far as saying, "hey Steve-O! Hey man I just wanted to-" when Steve-O jumps up puts his hand to the kid's chest and just starts yelling at him, "Hey! Hey! Just step back man! Fucking chill out. Step off".
He then turned his back and started bothering Lemmy who, obviously irritated, silently stared down at his plate, trying to finish his meal. The kid just stood there, eyes watering up, awkwardly for a minute, not sure what to do before walking slowly away.
I've never lost so much respect for someone so quickly. The hypocrisy of treating your own fans like shit for nothing more than wanting to talk to you for a minute while doing the exact same thing.
Fuck that guy.
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