I've been a fan of Jackass for about 10 years or so, and I live in Sweden so I never once thought I'd be able to meet one of the guys EVER but when he was on one of his stand up shows tour or whatever you call it a couple of years ago - he actually came to Stockholm!! So me and my friend went, and he was so fucking funny...
Anyways, after the show we heard from one of the security guys that he was sitting down by the stage talking to some fans. So me and my friend said "fuck it, we have to go and say hi."
During the show he had done a trick by cutting his tongue with a piece of glass but it had gone wrong and his tongue was bleeding pretty bad, but he still sat there with a towel in his mouth doing his best to talk to us, take pictures and write autographs. Which I think was really nice of him to do.
I wish I could upload the picture......
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