Jeff Goldblum

Jeff Goldblum

22nd Oct 1952 (72 years old)

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Jeff Goldblum seems like a cool guy. My then girlfriend and I were once out for lunch in Helsinki when we spotted him. We didn't want to intrude on him, so we just peeked "secretly" at him a bit. He noticed, came over, and asked if we wanted him to take a picture of us. I had no idea what to say, I just stuttered "yes" and handed him my camera. Luckily he didn't run away with it, it was a nice Nikon...

Other stories for Jeff Goldblum

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Work out

In the 90's, I was visiting my brother in LA and went to work...

At a Marlins baseball game

We sat behind Jeff Goldblum at a Marlins baseball game a few years back....


A friend of mine has one. He and his dad were on vacation in...

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