I live in the Clearwater area (where Hulk Hogan lives) and have seen him numerous times.
The one that sticks out in my mind is my Mom spotted him him at an arcade with his children and told my Sister and I to approach him and get an autograph, I was about 7 at the time. We walked up to him and I said in an excited manner "Are you Hulk Hogan?!", he annoyingly looks up from his newspaper and says "yeah kid, any more questions?". I just kind of felt embarrassed and sulked away back to my Mom.
Another time was a few years ago after I turned 21 he was at a popular stip club in the area called "OZ", which he frequents, and all I really saw was him throwing dollar bills at the stripper and yelling obscenities.
TL;DR Hulk Hogan is an asshole, from my experience.
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